Past Photos of 2017 2018 2019 2020
The BRI researcher (Dept. of Environmental Engineering) gave a lecture at the seminar organized by IHPC and NUS in Singapore. He was dispatched from August to December 2017 in order to contribute to the distribution of technology related to heat island prevention.
A BRI researcher (IISEE) gave a poster presentation at 2017 AGU (American Geophysical Union)
Fall Meeting held in New Orleans, USA on 11-15th December 2017.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Structural Engineering) gave a presentation at the 32nd Sino-Japanese Modern Engineering and Technology Symposium held in Taipei, Taiwan on 20th-23rd November 2017.
On 28th Nov. -5th Dec., BRI dispatched 2 researchers (IISEE and Dept. of Structural Engineering) to conduct a field survey for the building damage caused by the 2017 Central Mexico earthquake occurred on 19th Sept. They also gave a presentation at the seminar organized by Mexican government and JICA.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Environmental Engineering) explained about the full-scale cross ventilation experiment in the JICA Training Course on 10th November 2017.
Two BRI researchers (Dept. of Fire Engineering) attended the International Meeting of the ISO TC92/SC3 (Fire threat to people and environment) and SC4 (Fire safety engineering) held in Santander, Spain on 16-20th October 2017.
Mr. Martínez, El Salvador's former Minister of MOP and other members of the party exchanged views with the BRI members including the President, and also visited structural engineering facilities in the BRI on 29th November 2017.
The Head of the Department of Environmental Engineering explained about Hyper Water Saving Toilet System(0.6L/Flash) in the JICA Training Course on 10th November 2017.
Mr. Martínez, El Salvador's former Minister of MOP, Ms. Zelayandía, Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Ventura, newly appointed as Vice-Minister of MOP, and others came to visit the BRI on 29th November 2017.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Structural Engineering) gave lectures as a part of Disaster Risk Reduction Training Program for Latin America and the Caribbean in Santiago, Chile on 3-4th October 2017, and also took part in the International Disaster Prevention Seminar celebrating the 120 years of ties between Japan and Chile.
The JICA Training Course (Improvement and Disaster Prevention of Housing and Living Environment) trainees (11 members from 7 countries) came to visit the BRI on 10th November 2017. The BRI provided lessons together with NILIM.
The 2nd Annual Meeting of Japanese National Group of RILEM took place in KKR Hotel Tokyo on 1st November 2017.
The 6th China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Waterproofing Technology was held in Beijing, China on 25-28th October 2017 and a BRI researcher (Dept. of Building Materials and Components) had attended as a Deputy Chairman for Japanese Organizing Committee. The next symposium will be held 2 years later in Japan.
The Vice President of the BRI gave a presentation at the 5th Consultation Meeting of the Construction Ministries of Japan and Germany held in Munich, Germany on 4th October 2017.
The President of the BRI gave an opening speech as one of the co-organizing institutes’ representatives at the WoodRise2017 (an international congress focusing on mid and high-rise wooden building) held in Bordeaux, France on 12-15th September 2017.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Fire Engineering) gave a presentation and participated in a panel discussion with international researchers at the Fire Safety Workshop of the WoodRise2017 held in Bordeaux, France on 12-15th September 2017.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Building Materials and Components) gave a presentation at the Seismic Risk Prevention Workshop of the WoodRise2017 held in Bordeaux, France on 12-15th September 2017.
BRI researchers (Dept. of Structural Engineering and IISEE) participated and gave a research presentation at
EURODYN2017 (X International Conference on Structural Dynamics) held in Rome, Italy on 10-13th September 2017.
Closing Ceremony for IISEE’s Latin American Earthquake Engineering Course took place in San Salvador,
El Salvador on 21st July 2017, and Vice Minister of Public Works (MOPTVDU), Authorized guests, and
a BRI researcher (IISEE) attended the ceremony.
A Visiting Research Fellow and a researcher of the BRI gave a technical advice at the IISEE’s Latin American Earthquake Engineering Course in San Salvador, El Salvador from 10th to 21st July 2017.
The Vice President of the BRI attended the IEA*-EBC Executive Committee Meeting as a vice-chair in London 8-9th June 2017. He was elected as a next chair for 2018-2020.
(Photo by Mr. Randy Martin)
*International Energy Agency
Delegations of Myanmar Ministry of Construction and Yangon City Urban Development Committee visited the BRI on 7th August 2017. The director of IISEE gave a lecture.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Structural Engineering) gave a lecture to the trainees of JICA Training Program for Disaster Prevention of Buildings in Large Size Structure Lab.* on 26th July 2017.
*Facility detail
The JICA trainees visited the BRI's Fire Wind Tunnel* as a part of JICA Training Program for Disaster Prevention of Buildings on 26th July 2017. A BRI researcher from the Dept. of Fire Engineering gave a lecture.
*Facility detail
As a convener of the WG, a BRI researcher (Dept. of Production Engineering) attended the buildingSMART International(bSI) RR WG1 meeting, in Stockholm (Sweden), 16th June 2017.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Fire Engineering) gave a poster presentation at IAFSS (International Association for Fire Safety Science) Symposium held in Lund (Sweden), 12-15th June 2017.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Building Materials and Components) served as a co-chair with a NIST(USA) researcher at "The Symposium on the Durability of Building and Construction Sealant and Adhesives", ASTM, Toronto(Canada) on 14-15th June 2017.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Fire Engineering) gave a research presentation at IAFSS(International Association for Fire Safety Science) Symposium held in Lund (Sweden), 12-15th June 2017.
A researcher of the Dept. of Structural Engineering, the BRI gave a lecture at Santo Domingo, Dominican Rep. as a part of IISEE's training course on 24th January 2017. (http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/)
A researcher of IISEE, the BRI gave a lecture to the delegations of KICT(Korea) on earthquake observation technology on 21st June 2017.
A BRI researcher gave a lecture to the trainees from Myanmar as a part of JICA Training Program for Housing Policy in Myanmar, 6th April 2017
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