Past Photos of 2017 2018 2019 2020
IEA-EBC Executive Committee was held at Wellington, New Zealand on 22nd and 23rd November 2018. The Vice President of the BRI attended the meeting as a chair.
Two BRI researchers of Dep. of Structural Engineering attended the meeting with JRC (Joint Research Center)held at Ispra, Italy on 17th to 18th December 2018. The meeting was focusing on earthquake vulnerability and protection of the structure.
A BRI researcher participated the 10th IPRED (International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disasters) meeting held at CENAPRED (Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres) in Mexico City on 4th-9th November 2018. Represents from 7 countries: Japan, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Romania, Egypt and Kazakhstan attended the meeting.
A BRI researcher (IISEE) visited Hualien City (花蓮市), Taiwan in October 2018 to participate Japan-Taiwan joint survey conducted by DPRI (Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University). The survey was conveyed in cooperation with Taiwanese researchers.
The 17th US-Japan-New Zealand Workshop on the Improvement of Structural Engineering and Resilience was held in Queenstown, New Zealand from 12th to 14th November 2018. From BRI, the President and two researchers of Dept. of Structural Engineering participated and made their presentations.
A BRI researcher of IISEE visited Central-Asian Institute for Applied Geosciences (CAIAG) in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic on 22nd November 2018. In the meeting with Co-director Dr. Moldobekov and CAIAG staff members, the training course IISEE in BRI was introduced.
The delegation of China Construction Technology Consulting and its affiliated companies came to BRI for the purpose of observing the environmental laboratories on 21st November 2018. A researcher of BRI explained experimental equipment at the Laboratory for Cross Ventilation.
A BRI researcher (IISEE) visited Institute of Seismology of National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyz Republic on 21st November 2018 and had a meeting with Director Prof. Kanatbek (left) and Prof. Muraliev (right), and introduced training course of IISEE in BRI.
The delegation of China National Engineering Research Center for Human Settlement and other institutions visited BRI on 17th?October 2018. A BRI researcher explained concepts of “Universal Designs” and “Barrierfree Designs” at the Universal Design Studio.
The 3rd Annual Meeting of Japanese National Group of RILEM(International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures) was held at KKR Hotel Tokyo on 9th November 2018.
The delegation of China National Engineering Research Center for Human Settlement and other institutions visited BRI on 17th October 2018. A researcher in Department of Environmental Engineering introduced the research outline of evaluation method for energy-saving and LCCM demonstration house.
Professor Francisco J Sanchez-Sesma, National Autonomous University of Mexico, visited BRI for research exchange and gave a lecture titled “The two September 19th Mexico Earthquakes (1985-M8.1 y 2017-M7.1): Effects in Mexico City” on 1st October 2018.
Professor Heidi Houston, University of Southern California, visited BRI for joint research discussion about inslab earthquake and slow earthquake with a BRI researcher on 28th September 2018.
A researcher of the BRI gave a technical advice at the IISEE’s Latin American Earthquake Engineering Course in San Salvador, El Salvador from 16th to 27th July 2018. This photo shows experiments held at the University of El Salvador on 20th July 2018.
Delegates of the KAIA came to the BRI on 31st August 2018. The Director of the Dept. of Building Materials and Components introduced the Building Materials Lab.
A BRI researcher visited Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) in University of Southern California. Research meetings about slow earthquake were held with Professor Houston (right) and Professor Vidale (left) from 12th to 19th September 2018.
Delegates of the KAIA came to the BRI on 31st August 2018. The Senior Research Engineer of the Dept. of Production Engineering introduced the Universal Design Studio.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Housing and Urban Planning) gave a lecture on the Tsunami-resistant Urban Planning to the trainees of JICA Training Program for Disaster Prevention of Buildings on 19th?July 2018.
The delegations of the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement (KAIA) came to the BRI on 31st August 2018 and 3 researchers (Dept. of Production Engineering) shared information on their research.
A BRI researcher (Dept. of Housing and Urban Planning) gave a lecture on the Tsunami-resistant Urban Planning to the trainees of JICA Training Program for Disaster Prevention of Buildings on 19th?July 2018.
The 25th Japan-France Building Colloquium, co-hosted by CSTB, BCJ, and BRI was held in BCJ located in Tokyo on 6th June 2018.
Researcher of IISEE gave a research presentation at the 15th Annual Meeting of Asia Oceania Geosciences Society held in Honolulu, Hawaii on 4th June 2018.
3 BRI researchers (IISEE) gave lectures on seismology and earthquake engineering to the trainees of JICA Training Program on 18th and 19th?July 2018. This photo shows one of them.
Two researchers of IISEE gave a research presentation and introduced the activities of IISEE at the International Conference for the Decade Memory of the Wenchuan(汶川)Earthquake held in Chengdu(成都), China on 12th-14th May 2018. The photo shows the Director of IISEE with Asian Seismological Commission (ASC) Board Members.
The Director General of BSN*, Indonesia and other members of the party including staffs of J-CHIF** met with the President of the BRI and visited the Environmental Research Lab. on 7th?August 2018.
* National Standardization Agency of Indonesia
** Japan Construction Material & Housing Equipment
Industries Federation
The BRI conveys its sincere condolences to the Government and people of Indonesia over the victims of the earthquake that struck Lombok island on 5th August, 2018 and hopes for a speedy recovery of those that are injured and afflicted.
The JICA trainees visited the BRI's Full Scale Fire Test Lab.* as a part of JICA Training Program on 18th?July 2018. A BRI researcher from the Dept. of Fire Engineering gave a lecture.*Facility Detail
The Director of IISEE went to Guatemala City, Guatemala from 17th to 21st?June 2018 and met with AGIES* executives to introduce the IISEE training course. He also visited MICIVI** and some of the universities.
*Asociacion Guatemalteca de Ingenieria estructural y
**Ministerio de Comunicaciones, Infraestructura, y
A BRI Chief Research Engineer (IISEE) went to Ankara, Turkey from 7th to 9th?June 2018 and introduced the IISEE training course in the seminar held in Ministry of Environment and Urbanization. He also visited Istanbul and Teheran, Iran as a representative of IISEE.
3 BRI researchers (Dept. of Structural Engineering and IISEE) participated and gave a research presentation at the 16th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering (16ECEE) held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 18-21st?June 2018.?
BRI and the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration (IEM) have concluded a R&D cooperation agreement. The Director of IISEE visited China on 11-14th?May 2018 and exchanged the agreement with the Director of IEM.?
The President of the BBSR, Germany, and other members of the party visited the BRI on 5th?June 2018 to participate in the BBSR*-BRI Work Meeting, and exchanged views on research cooperation.
The Vice Chairman of China Academy of Building Research and other members of the party visited the BRI on 18th April 2018 to meet the BRI President, and also to exchange views with the researchers of Dept. of Structural Engineering and Dept. of Production Engineering.
A BRI Chief Research Engineer (IISEE) went to Myanmar from 23rd to 26th April 2018, with a professor of GRIPS, and exchanged views on the IISEE training course with staffs of Myanmar‘s Ministry of Construction while getting cooperation of local JICA expert.
Delegates of a research institute from a private company in Korea came to the BRI to share information on the BIM on 23rd March 2018. A Director and a Chief Research Engineer of the Dept. of Production Engineering gave a lecture.
BRI researchers (Director and Senior Research Engineer of IISEE) gave a technical advice on the microtremor array exploration at Kathmandu, Nepal as a part of JST and JICA program (SATREPS) from 6th to 9th February 2017.
Delegates of a research institute from a private company in Korea came to the BRI and visited structural engineering labs on 23rd March 2018. A Research Engineer of the Dept. of Structural Engineering had introduced the labs.
The Deputy Director of Vietnam Institute for Building Science and Technology, Ministry of Construction and other members of the party visited the BRI and NILIM and exchanged views with the Vice President of the BRI and the Deputy Director-General of NILIM on 27th February 2018.
RMC TV, a TV channel broadcast station in France came to BRI and visited structural engineering labs and IISEE to interview BRI researchers (Dept. of Structural Engineering and IISEE) on 9th January, 2018.
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